Monday, May 9, 2011


Hello Chem Torture Victims!!

Welcome to my IB Chemistry Blog. Here, you can find a list of objectives + notes to serve as a study guide to help you through this bitch of a subject course, in addition to your IB Chem Exams this coming spring. Though I do not have all HL objectives up yet, I hope to do so soon in addition to the two options I've covered (B + D).

Here are the links to the pages:

D. Medicines and Drugs

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A good site for practice tests:
Energetics work:

Redox work:

Medicines and Drugs

Pictured: Resident expert on this subject matter.

I. Pharmaceutical Products

List the effects of medicines and drugs on the functioning of the body

Drug- Any chemical that alters the physiological state (including consciousness, activity level, or coordination), alters incoming sensations, or alters mood/emotions
Medicine- Drugs used for therapeutic purposes

Drugs are designed to compliment or assist the body’s own natural healing processes
Placebo- A pill with no intended function designed to be used in control tests
Placebo Effect- A response by the body to a placebo during which the body begins to mimic the effects of those drugs

Outline the stages involved in the research, development, and testing of new pharmaceutical products

Stages Involved with Pharmaceutical Testing:
  • Cell Tests (in Vitro)
  • Animal Tests (3 non-human species)
    • Test for effective + lethal dose
  • Phase 1
    • 50% given drug, 50% given placebo
    • Test for safety, dose range, and side effects
  • Phase 2
    • Variables (response and investigator response) eliminated
    • Test for positive effect (benefit > risk)
  • Phase 3
    • Extended human trials
  • Application to Sell Drug in intended Country
  • Sometimes, problems with a drug are not stopped. Example: Thalidomide was prescribed to treat morning sequence in pregnant women. Resulted in birth defects and absent/deformed limbs

Describe the different methods of administering drugs

Different methods of administering drugs (OPIR)
  • Oral- Through the mouth.
    • Pro- Convenient + absorbed through small intenstine
    • Con- Rate of absorption relies on solubility, stomach contents
  • Parenteral- Through a subcutaneous (beneath skin), intramuscular (into muscles) or intravenous (through the vein) injection.
    • Pro- Safe for large doses and distributes quickly
    • Con- No retrieval and abused by illegal drug-users
  • Inhalation- Through the lungs
    • Pro- Rapid absorption and effect on the brain
    • Con- No retrieval
  • Rectal- I’m not gonna explain this one…
    • Pro- Stop nausea, pH sensitivity not an issue
    • Con- Limited range of distribution

Discuss the terms therapeutic window, tolerance, and side-effects

Therapeutic window- Measure of how safe a drug is for a particular treatment in an average population. It’s a ratio of ED50:LD50 (effective dose for 50% of population to lethal dose for 50% of the population)
Tolerance- The body’s need for more drug to produce a physiological effect
Side-effect- Any undesired effect from a drug

II. Antacids

State and explain how excess acidity in the stomach can be reduced by the use of different bases

pH of Gastric Juices- 1.0-3.0
Purpose of acidic stomach contents- hydrolyze proteins à amino acids, inhibit bacteria growth
Heartburn- Stomach discomfort caused by excess gastric juice production

Antacid- Base used to neutralize stomach acid to the desired pH
Examples of bases used in antacids (and their respective equations)
  • Magnesium oxide (Milk of Magnesia)
MgO + 2HCl à MgCl2 + H2O
  • Magnesium hydroxide (Mealox/Milk of Magnesia)
Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl à MgCl2 + 2H2O
  • Aluminum hydroxide
Al(OH)3 + 3HCl à AlCl3 + 3H2O
  • Calcium carbonate
CaCO3 + 2HCl à NaCl + 2H2O + CO2
Alginates- Compounds that produce a neutralizing layer, preventing acid from rising into the esophagus and causing heartburn
Dimethacone- Anti-foaming agent that reduce surface tension of gas bubbles

III. Analgesics

IV. Depressants

Describe the effects of depressants

Depressant- Substances that depress (relax) the central nervous system (CNS). Are dose dependent
            Low dosesà Little effect
            Moderate dosesà Soothing (reduced anxiety)
            High dosesà Induce sleep
            Very high dosesà DEATH!!!

Depressants are also called antidepressants
***DEPRESSANTS RELIEVE DEPRESSION. “Depress” refers to their effect on the nervous system

Tranquilizers- Reduce nervous tension and anxiety, but do not cause sleep in normal dose
Sedatives- Stronger than tranquilizers and produce same effect
Hypnotics- Sleep inducing

Discuss the social and physiological effects of the use and abuse of ethanol

Type of alcohol drank- Ethanol
Prolonged consumption leads to psychological and physiological dependence
Social effect of Alcoholism-  hospital care, lost productivity, crime, DUI’s (accidents, deaths)
Family effect of Alcoholism- violent behavior, loss of income
Short-term effects of alcohol- relaxation, confidence, increased warmth, impaired judgement, lengthened response time
Long-term effects of alcohol- liver disease, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, miscarriage, fetal abnormalities

Describe and explain the techniques used for the detection of ethanol in blood, urine, and breath.

Ways to identify intoxication- Breathalyzer, Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Infra-Red Spectroscopy

How a Breathalyzer works: Concentration of ethanol vapor depends on the concentration of ethanol in the blood due to equilibrium. Both decrease over time as ethanol is metabolized. When a person breathes into a breathalyzer, a redox reaction occurs as acidified Potassium Dichromate (K2Cr2O7) oxidizes any ethanol in the breath, causing a color change from orange to green. The transfer of electrons produces an electromagnetic field, which is sensed by the device to indicate BAC

How Gas Liquid Chromotography works: This is used to ID small samples of gas and volatile liquid (like ethanol) from blood, urine, or breath. The sample is injected into the system along with an inert carrier gas like N2. Samples move through a series of columns with each sample moving at a unique speed. Computer then shows how much of each substance there is based off of speed and how much occurs at each time period

How IR Spectroscopy works: IR energy causes molecules to vibrate, with each vibration dependent on the bonds in each compound. Each bond absorbs a specific wavelength of IR energy. The device measures the intensity of IR absorbed by the wavelength for C-H and C-O bonds (but not O-H because those are also seen in water) and converts it to % transmittance to determine the level of intoxication.

Describe the synergistic effects of ethanol with other drugs

Synergetic effect- Ability of depressants (especially alcohol) to increase the effect of other drugs because the CNS is inhibited.
Alcohol can be fatal when mixed with benzodiazepines, narcotics, and barbiturates
Alcohol can also cause stomach bleeding when mixed with aspirin

Identify other commonly used depressants and describe their structures

Other important depressants to know…
Valium- Sedative. Inhibits nerve transmission by interacting with neurotransmitters.
            Structure- Phenyl group, Cl group on the fused benzene ring
Nitrazepam- Tranquilizer. Induces sleep, but also causes seizures and infant spasms.
            Structure- Phyenl group, NO2 group on the fused benzene ring
Prozac- (Fluoxetine hydrochloride). Prevents neurons from re-absorbing serotonin, causing a build up that preserves a mellow effect
            Structure- Two benzene rings, trifluro-methyl group, amine group

V. Stimulants

Listh the physiological effects of stimulants

Stimulant- Drugs that stimulate the CNS by increasing alertness, wakefulness, and suppressed appetite. Examples include caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamine

Compare amphetamines and adrenaline

Epinephrine (adrenalin)- Natural stimulating hormone produced by the body
Amphetamine- Sympathomimetic drugs that mimic the effects of epinephrine. Like adrenalin, this is derived from the phenylethylamine structure.
Sympathiomimetic drugs- Stimulate the sympathetic nervous system by mimicing the effects of adrenaline

Discuss the short- and long-term effects of nicotine consumption

Short term effects of nicotine- increased blood pressure and heart rate, reduction in urine output, other stimulating effects
Long term effects of nicotine- increased risk of heart disease, coronary thrombosis, peptic ulcers

Nicotine addiction- is a problem as this chemical is extremely addictive. Produces a tolerance and psychological dependence. Withdrawals à weight gain, nausea, insomnia, irritabilty
Risks associated with smoking- cancer, heart/blood-vessel disease, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, air pollution, fires, stained fingers/teeth, halitosis

Describe the effects of caffeine and compare its structure with that of nicotine

Caffeine- respiratory stimulant that increases metabolism inside nerve cells. Enhances alterness, motivation, and concentration in moderate doses. High doses result in anxiety, irritability, and sleeplessness.
Diuretic- Stimulates the kidneys

Caffeine and nicotine structures both have a tertiary amine group

VI. Antibacterials

Antibacterial- Drugs that inhibit the growth of microorganisms responsible for causing disease

Outline the historical development of penicillins

History of Penicillin- Alexander Fleming first noticed that the mold penicillium notatum inhibited bacterial growth in 1928. Found it too difficult to isolate however. In 1940, Florey and Chain renewed research and isolated the desired compound. A London Police man received the drug in 1941. Made clinically available in 1943. Nobel Prize was won in 1945. PRODUCTION PUSHED ALONG BY WORLD WAR II.

Explain how penicillins work and discuss the effects of modifying the side-chain

Penicillin works by interfering with the chemicals that bacteria need to form cell walls. T
Modifying the side chain à penicillins that are more resistant to the penicillinase enzyme.

Discuss the importance of patient compliance and the effect of overprescription

Importance of patient compliance- The regiment of taking drugs must be strictly adhered to. Any violation à the profligation of bacteria resistant to the drugs. This is especially true with bacterial treatments for Tuberculosis.
Overpresciption also results in the formation of resistant-bacteria. This is especially true with the use of penicillins in animal feedstock.

VII. Antivirals

State how viruses differ from bacteria

How do bacteria and viruses differ?
  • Bacteria have cells, viruses do not
  • Bacteria can reproduce on their own, viruses must use a cell’s mechanisms
  • Bacteria have metabolic pathways, viruses do not
  • Bacteria can grow, viruses cannot
  • Bacteria feed to survive, viruses do not
  • Bacteria are much larger than viruses

(Seriously…if you can’t get this question after 4 years of Biotechnology hell, something is wrong with you)

Describe the different ways in which antiviral drugs work

How anti-virals work:
  • Vaccines help to build up an immunity prior to infection (Innoculation)
  • Altering the cell’s genetic material so that viruses cannot use them to multiply
  • Blocking enzyme activity within the host cells to prevent replication
  • Altering ribosomes to prevent their use for replication

Discuss the difficulties associated with solving the AIDS problem

Difficulties with solving the AIDS problem:
  • Attacks specific white blood cells (decreasing body’s ability to fight)
  • Hinders the body’s ability to fight infection
  • Increased susceptibility of patient to weaker pathogens that the immune system normally fights off
  • Undergoes metabolic reactions similar to the cell, so antivirals are hard to create
  • Also, quick mutation slows ability to create antivirals
  • High price of anti-retrovirals exacerbates problems
  • Socio-cultural issues remain (due to associations with promiscuity and homosexuality)

X. Mind-Altering Drugs (It’s easier to cover these first before moving onto drug design)

Describe the effects of the following drugs:


Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Extreme hallucinations, magnified perception, decreased judgement, relaxation and/or tension (depending on the user), dilated pupils, increased heart rate, “bad trips,” flashbacks.
Tolerance disappears and disappears rapidly. Addiction rare
Color hallucination (milder than LSD), decreased appetite, liver damage, 12 hour trips, increased damage w/ alcohol
Mild hallucinations, magnified perception, relaxation, 4 hour trip
Tolerance limited. Addiction not seen
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Low doses: silly + excited feeling. High doses: increased perception, very mild hallucinations, joy à anxiety, depression, panic, and fear. Decision making decreased
No tolerance. Mild psychological dependence

Discuss the structural similarities and differences between LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin

Indole- Heterocyclic amine compound with N as part of the ring and fused to benzene

Indole Ring?
Other Features
Dietyl amine side chain
Non-polar structure (à easy diffusion into brain and placenta)
Benzene ring (not fused like indole)
Primary amine group
Dimethylamine side chain
Dihydrogen phosphate

Discuss arguments for and against the legalization of cannibas

Arguments for the Legalization of Cannabis
  • Medical uses
    • Relief pressure in eyeball for Glaucoma patients
    • ↑ appetite in AIDS patients
    • Relieve nausea from Chemotherapy patients (and ↑ appetite)
  • Better quality control and fewer harmful impurities
  • Dissociate cannabis from environments where “hard” drugs are available

Arguments against the Legalization of Cannabis
  • Respiratory problems due to inhaling smoke
  • Regular use à Suppressed immune system
  • Decreased fertility in men
  • Birth defects due to chromosomal abnormalities
  • Cannabis users move on to “harder” drugs

VIII. Drug Action

Describe the importance of geometrical isomerism in drug action

Geometrical Isomerism- Two molecules “flipped” functional groups due a double bond restricting rotation. Have different physical properties (polarity, solubility, bp, mp)

Cisplatin- Heavy metal complex with two Cl and two NH­3 ligants in the cis position
How cisplatin works:  Cisplatin is used in chemotherapy. The neutral complex exchanges Cl- ions with H2O in the body, forming a positively charged complex. This positively charged species becomes attracted to the negatively charged DNA, specifically 2 adjacent guanines. The H­2O is released as the Pt binds to nitrogen, inhibiting the cell’s DNA repair process and à cell death. The trans isomers could not bind in this way.

Discuss the importance of chirality in drug action

Enantiomers- Two non super-imposable molecules constructed around a central (chiral) carbon
Racemic mixture- Mixture containing two enantiomers of a single compound
Importance of chirality: While biological processes will produce only one enantiomer of a compound, in vitro (laboratory) manufacturing à racemic mixture. While one enantiomer can be pharmacologically active, the other can have no effect or possibly even a negative one. It is important to make sure the patients are receiving positively functioning drugs to ensure both improvement of the patient and safety.
Thalidomide tragedy- Thalidomide was a compound prescribed to treat morning sickness in pregnant women and sold as a racemic mixture. While the R isomer was safe, the S isomer caused birth defects in the fetus. The drug was pulled from the market and it was discovered that the enantiomers inter convert (RàS and vice versa).

Review Organic Chem notes to ensure you can identify chiral carbons!

Discuss the importance of the beta-lactam ring in penicillin

Beta-lahctam- Ring composed of a Nitrogen and 3 Carbon atoms (one C=O) bonded in a square planar ring (90o). This unnatural configuration à stress on bonds, so they generally will split between the N and C=O (i.e. within the amide group) and bind to peptides
Action of Penicillin- Beta-lactam ring breaks and binds to a specific enzyme that synthesizes bacterial cell walls. Without this enzyme, the cell will burst and die. Some bacterial enzymes protect against penicillin by severing the beta-lactam ring.
Changing the Penicillin Side Chain à derivatives that prevent the enzyme from binding to the ring

Explain the increased potency of diamorphine (heroin) compared to morphine

Dimorphine- Also known as heroin, this drug is similar to morphine, but contains two Ester groups instead of –OH groups
Compared to morphine, dimorphine is more potent
Why is morphine more potent?
The body is a very aqueous which makes soluble drugs easy to pass around the body. However, any drugs targeting the brain and CNS must past a non-polar membrane barrier surrounding the brain. While some morphine (polar) is able to pass through this layer, a large amount of heroin (non-polar, due to the esters) can penetrate the barrier. After passing the barrier, heroin re-converts back to morphine and is absorbed into the CNS. This makes it not only more powerful, but more addicting as well

IX. Drug Design

Discuss the use of a compound library in drug design

How drugs used to be discovered- Trial and error
Rational drug design- The action of designing drugs to specifically counter a target molecule in the body
Compound Libraries- Databases of compounds and related molecules (such as those with altered functional groups and geometries) kept by pharmaceutical companies. These are used to identify potential drugs that are similar to the lead compound but with greater potency and lesser side effects. Improves the efficiency of finding new drugs

Explain the use of combinational and parallel chemistry to synthesize new drugs

Combinational Chemistry- Technique in which machines are used to synthesize a large number of compounds and then screen them for biological activity, forming a “combinational library” of information
Solid-phase chemistry- Also called the “mix-and-split” technique. Resin beads with linking groups were placed into 3 separate vats of amino acids. They were then combined, mixed, and split again into 3 separate vats with another amino acid added to each. The process is then repeated until a series of unique polypeptides were created.
How the number of combinations can be found- Taking the number of amino acids used and then raising them to an exponent equal to the number of mix-and-splits
Example: If 3 amino acids were used to create 4 amino-acid chains, then there would be 34 (or 81) different combinations.
Parallel Chemistry- A highly reactive intermediate is formed that is put in many vials with various reagents then added. An automated version of this process can create up to 144 different compounds, each in separate reaction tubes

Describe how computers are used in drug design

CAD (Computer-aided Design)- Software has been invented that allows scientists to construct 3-D representations of a compound and test to see how they would react against specific biological targets. Target sites can be identified using NMR and X-ray crystallography techniques. Compound libraries can be used to ID similar compounds

Discuss how the polarity of a molecule can be modified to increase its aqueous solubility and how this facilitates its distribution around the body

How polarity affects distribution- Polar molecules are generally more soluble, and therefore can be more easily distributed throughout the body.
How to make a substance more polar- Carboxylic acids (acidic) and amines (bases) can be easily converted into soluble ionic salts.
Soluble aspirin- The carboxylic acid is converted into a salt group, making it more effective at dissolving
Prozac- The amine is reacted with HCl to form a soluble salt

Describe the use of chiral auxiliaries to form the desired enantiomer

Chiral auxiliary is used to convert a non-chiral molecule into just the desired enantiomer, thus avoiding the need to separate enantiomers from a racemic mixture. It works by attaching itself to the non-chiral molecule to create the stereochemical conditions necessary to force the reaction to follow a certain path. Once the new molecule has been
formed, the auxiliary can be taken off (recycled) to leave the desired enantiomer. An example is the synthesis of Taxol, an anti-cancer drug.

B. Human Biochemistry

I. Energy

Calculate the energy value of food from enthalpy of combustion data

Use the equation: E = mcΔT.
E = Energy
M= Mass of the sample heated (usually water, NOT the product being burned).
C= Specific heat capacity (water = 4.18 J g-1 C-1)
ΔT = Change in temperature of water heated (in either Celcius or Kelvin)

II. Proteins

Draw the general formula of 2-amino acids

*Starting note: IB calls amino acids “2-amino acids”. No clue why, but it’s the same kind you should’ve learned about in bio.

The general form of 2-amino acids:    R—CH—COOH

Describe the characteristic properties of 2-amino acids

Properties of 2-amino acids: ZIMB
Zwitterion- Forms ionic varieties with either:
·         A positive charge on the amine end (NH2 à  NH3+)
·         a negative charge on the carboxyl end (COOH à COO-
o       [Note: The double bonded C=O becomes single bonded C-O with two delocalized electron])
Isoelectric Point- pH at which the molecule as a net charge of 0. In solutions too acidic, the charge is +. In solutions too basic, the charge is -
            Melting Point- High MP around 200-300oC
Buffer Action- Neutralizes pH by accepting H+ in acidic solutions and donating H+ in basic solutions.

Describe the condensation reaction of 2-amino acids to form polypeptides

Condensation Reaction- Reaction between two amino acids, formed when an amine group of one AA and carboxyl group of another AA form a covalent bond, releasing
H­­2O. (This is the esterification process we learned about in organic chem.)

Dipeptide- molecule composed of two amino acids
Polypeptide- chain of amino acids that, when folded, form proteins

Describe and explain the primary, secondary (a-helix and b-pleated sheets), tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins

Protein Folding- folding of the polypeptide chain to form protein structure. Subdivided into primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures
Primary- One-dimensional “chain” of amino acids
            Bonds involved- Peptide (Covalent)
Secondary- Two-dimensional folding into alpha-helixes and beta-pleated sheets
            Alpha-helix- helical structure held together by hydrogen bonds
Beta-pleated sheets- sheets formed by polypeptides folding parallel to one another, held together by hydrogen bonds
Tertiary- Three-dimensional fold of protein chain composed of many different IMF’s:
            Covalent bonding- Between side chains
                        i.e. two –SH groups in cysteine form a disulfide bridge
            Hydrogen bonding- between polar groups on the side chain
            Salt bridges- ionic bonds formed between –NH2 and –COOH groups
            Hydrophobic interactions- non-polar amino acids will migrate towards the center
            of the protein away from the polar water molecules
Quarternary- multiple polypeptide chains held together by weak IMFs (like van der waal)

Explain how proteins can be analyzed by chromatography and electrophoresis


·   R groups of amino acids have different isoelectric points (pH where charge is 0)
·   Similar size molecules can be separated using charge in individual AA
·   Proteins are placed in a magnetic field, and the positive R-groups are attracted to the negative pole of the magnet, and negative R groups will be attracted to the positive pole
·   Movement stops when charge reaches zero (isoelectric point is reached)
·   Also works with a pH gradient

List the major functions of proteins in the body

Major functions of proteins in the body- SHIT, Enzyme energy!
            Structural- give rigidity or help contract
            Hormones- regulate body activities by sending messages between cells
            Immunoproteins- aid the immune system (i.e. antibodies)
            Transport- move specific molecules around cell
            Enzyme- catalyze reactions by lowering activation energy
            Energy!- can be metabolized when carbs and fats are low

III. Carbohydrates
Describe the structural features of monosaccharides-
·         Carbonyl group (C=O)
·         At least two –OH groups
·         Empirical formula CH2O
Draw the straight-chain and ring structural formulas of glucose and fructose

Straight chain- carbohydrate structure when dry (powder)
Ring- carbohydrate structure when wet (in aqueous solution)

Drawings of Monsaccharides (KNOW STRAIGHT CHAIN + RING)

Alpha- When the –OH on the rightmost carbon (C1 in glucose, C2 in fructose) is below the plane of the ring
Beta- When the-OH on the rightmost carbon is in line with/above the plane of the ring

Describe the condensation of monosaccharides to form disaccharides and polysaccharides

Condensation- combining 2+ monosaccharides to form disaccharides/polysaccharides. Usually involves the loss of a water molecule

Disaccharides- composed of 2 monosaccharides bonded together.
            Examples: Lactose, maltose, sucrose

Polysaccharides- composed of a long chain of monosaccharides
            Examples: starch (a-glucose), glycogen (a-glucose), and cellulose (b-glucose)
List the major functions of carbohydrates in the human body

Use of Carbs in the body: PEED
·         Precursor to other important biological molecules
·         Energy source (glucose)
·         Energy storage (glycogen)
·         Dietary fibers

Compare the structural properties of starch and cellulose, and explain why humans can digest starch but not cellulose

Structural properties of starch and cellulose
·         Polymers of glucose
·         1-4 glycosidic bond is between the 1-carbon and 4-carbon of neighboring glucose molecules
o       (amylopectin has additional 1,6 glycocidic bonds)
·         Starch composed of a-glucose
·         Cellulose composed of b-glucose

Why can starch be digested but cellulose not?
Starch is composed of a-glucose, bringing Oxygen atom opposite the CH2OH group (where human enzymes can digest them). Cellulose is composed of b-glucose, bringing Oxygen atom alongside CH2OH where it can only be digested by cellulase (found in fungi, bacteria, and protests)

State what is meant by the term dietary fiber

Dietary fiber- Plant material that cannot be broken down by digestive enzymes, but be broken down by microorganisms in the human gut.
            Examples: Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and pectin

Describe the importance of a high fiber diet

Dietary fiber aids in digestion
High fiber diets prevent conditions like Diverticulosis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Diabetes, Constipation, Hemorrhoids , Obesity, and Chron’s disease. (DID CHOC)

IV. Lipids

Compare the composition of the three types of lipids found in the human body

Outline the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol and outline its importance

HDL cholesterol (Good cholesterol)- High Density Lipoprotein. Since the proportion of protein to lipid is higher, then lipid can move more easily around the bloodstream. It is easier to transport and does not clot as much
LDL cholesterol (Bad cholesterol)- Low Density Lipoprotein. Since there proportion of protein to lipid is lower, the lipids can not move as easily. It is harder to transport, and tends to clot to arterial walls à atherosclerosis (increase risk of heart attack/stroke)

Describe the difference in structure between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

Molec. Structure
Phys. Structure
Van der Waals
Melting Points
All single bonds C-C
Straight chains
Higher (more atoms à stronger interaction
High (solid at room temp)
One C=C (mono-) or several C=C (poly-)
Double-bonds à kinked chain
Lower (fewer atoms à less interaction)
Low (liquid at room temp)

The longer a fat is, the more van der walls forces and the higher the melting point

Compare the structures of the two essential fatty acids: linoleic (omega-6 fatty acid) and linolenic (omega-3 fatty acid) and state their importance

Omega-_ fatty acids- the number represents how many carbons from the end of the chain that the first double-bond is located. Example, omega-3 has a double bond 3 carbons away from the end.

Essential Fatty Acids
First C=C
Double Bonds
Symptoms of Lack
Linoleic C18H32O2
C-6, C-9
Oils, seeds
Dry hair, hair loss, Poor-wound healing
18 H30O2
C-3, C-6, C-9
Leafy greens, fish
Vision/nerve problems, depression, circulatory problems, arthritis,

Define the term “iodine number” and calculate the number of C=C double bonds in an unsaturated fat/oil using addition reactions

Iodine Number- mass of I2 needed to satisfy a particular reaction. Used to identify the number of C=C in a particular unsaturated fat.

Using an Iodine Number
Example: Linoleic acid has the formula C18H22O2. What is the iodine number of this acid

1. Convert so that it is in the molecular formula

C17H31COOH à C18H32O2

2. Determine the number of double bonds

A saturated fat with 18 carbons should have 36 hydrogens. This compound has 32. Therefore, the 4 missing hydrogens suggests 2 double bond

3. Set up a molar ratio

For every 1 mole of C17H31COOH, you’ll need 4 moles of iodine. However, since iodine only comes in the I2 form…

The ratio of C17H31COOH to I2 will be 1:2

4. Set up a mass ratio

Molar mass C17H31COOH = 280 g mol-1
Molar mass I2 = 254 g mol-1 x 2 mol

Ratio will be 280 g to 508 g

5. Find the amount of Iodine needed to react with 100g of the fatty acid

     280 g      =         X       .
254 g mol-1       508 g mol-1

0.393700mol =         X        .
                           508 g mol-1

ANSWER: 181 grams. The iodine number is 181

Describe the condensation of glycerol and three fatty acid molecules to make a triglyceride

Glycerol- 3-carbon chain with an –OH group on each C
Fatty Acid- carboxylic acid

Ester bonds- Form from the 3 carboxylic acids on the fatty acid chains and alcohol groups in the glycerol, releasing 3H2O molecules.

Explain the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of triglycerides during digestion

Lipases (fat-digesting enzymes) catalyze the reaction:
Triglyceride + 3 H2O à Glycerol + 3 Fatty Acids

Explain the higher energy level of fats as compared to carbohydrates

Fat metabolism occurs more slowly because a greater degree of oxidation is required to convert them into CO2 and H2O (carbohydrates already have one oxygen atom per carbon atom)
The lack of C-O bonds means that more energy will be released per molecule

Explain the important roles of lipids in the body and the negative effects they can have on health

Benefits: HIS STOP
·         Hormones
·         Insulation
·         Store energy
·         STructural component of membranes
·         Omega-3 fats reduce the risk of heart disease
·         Poly-unsaturated fats may lower level of LDL cholesterol

Problems: HO
·         Higher risk of heard disease from LDL cholesterol and trnas fats
·         Obesity

V. Nutrients

Outline the difference between macro- and micro-nutrients

Micronutrients- Substances required in very small quantities. Make up <0.005% body weight. Include vitamins and trace minerals
Macronutrients- Substances required in much larger quantities. Make up >0.005% body weight. Include proteins, fats, carbs, and minerals

Compare the structures of retinal (Vitamin A), calciferol (Vitamin D), and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)

Retinol (Vit A)- Relitively heavy oil that is insoluble in water, but highly soluble in glycerol due to its 1 hydroxyl group and non-polar alkene/methyl groups
Calciferol (Vit D)-  Heavy powder that is insoluble in water and highly soluble in glycerol (due to its 1 hydroxy group and alkane/alkene/methyl groups

Ascorbic Acid (Vit C)- Relatively light solid that is soluble in water (due to its 4 hydroxyl groups) and insoluble in glycerol

Deduce whether a vitamin is water- or fat-soluble from its structure

Water soluble vitamins- are defined by a high proportion of polar molecules such as –OH and N (Examples: Vitamins B1 and C)
Fat soluble vitamins- are defined by a lack of polar molecules and an abundance of long hydrocarbon chains (Examples: Vitamins D and K)

Deduce the causes and effects of nutrient deficiencies and suggest solutions

Malnutrition- lack of proper or adequate nutrients in stable food source

Vitamin A
Night blindness
Lack of vision
Decreased pathogen resistance
Vitamin B3
Swelling in limbs
Weight loss
Vitamin C
Tooth loss
Skin spots
Vitamin D
Bending of the bones
Inflammation of thyroid
Expanded belly
Lack of energy

Solutions to fight malnutrition:
·         Providing food rations high in vitamins and minerals
·         Fortifying food with nutrients
·         Genetic modification of food
·         Nutritional supplements
·         Selenium supplements

VI. Hormones

Outline the production and function of hormones in the body

Hormones- chemicals that control and regulate standard body functions
Hormone production- excreted by the endocrine glands in response to stimuli and released directly into bloodstream

Compare the structures of cholesterol and the sex hormones

Cholesterol- steroid with 3 6-C rings and one 5-C ring and a long hydrocarbon chain
Sex Hormones- steroid with 3 6-C rings and one 5-C ring (like cholesterol), but lack the characteristic long chains present in cholesterol because sex hormones are derived from progesterone.

Describe the mode of action of oral contreceptives

Oral contraceptives- birth control taken in the form of a swallowed pill
Method for oral contraceptive function- pill releases estrogen and progestin which prevent ovulation [so the egg cannot fertilize] and developing of the endometrium (uterus) lining [so any fertilized eggs cannot bind]
Method of mini-pill- progestin only pills that prevent ovulation , prevent endometrial thickening, and maintain cervical mucus.

Outline the use and abuse of steroids

Anabolic steroids- chemicals that speed tissue regeneration, which can be used to increase rate of muscle growth

Use of steroids: help with wasting illnesses, regain muscle tissue
Abuse of steroids: help increase sports performance, blood/liver/heart problems, development of opposite sex characteristics (malesàfemales, femalesàmales), impotence, bladder problems

VII. Enzymes

Describe the characteristics of biological catalysts (enzymes)

Enzymes- Proteins acting as catalysts by increasing the rate of chemical reaction without undergoing any permanent chemical change
Enzymes increase the rate by lowering the activation energy of the products
Activity depends on tertiary and quaternary structure

Differences between inorganic and organic compounds (SSS)
Specificity- Inorganic are less specific (work under high temp or any PH)
                  - Organic are more specific (require certain temp/pH)
Structure  - Inorganic are structured from metals
                  - Organic are structured from proteins
State          - Inorganic can be any state (solid/liquid/gas) and function the same
                  - Organic only work in aqueous solution

Describe the relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme activity

-          Low concentrations = linear relationship
o       Enzymes have more active sites than substrate molecules, so there will be a linear increase in rate
-          As concentration increases, the rate will slow down because more active sites are being used up
o       Eventually, the point of saturation is reached when the rate will not increase any further because all active sites are in use and none are opening up

Determine Vmax and the value of Km by graphical means and explain the significance
-          Vmax- Maximum rate of reaction at the point of saturation (horizontal asymptote)
-          Only way to increase Vmax­ is to increase enzyme concentration.
-           Km- Substrate concentration when rate is at 1/2 Vmax (Michaelis-menten constant)
o       Representation of how readily substrate-binding occurs

Explain the mechanism of enzyme action, including enzyme substrate complex, active site, and induced fit model

Mechanism of Enzyme action
-          Enzyme + Substrate à Enzyme Substrate Complex à Enzyme + Product
-          Substrate binds to the active site (location of binding)
-          Active site is specific to certain molecules
-          Rarely does substrate fit perfectly to site
o       Induced fit theory makes up for this factor
o       States: Enzyme will change its shape slightly to encompass the particle
o       Inexact fit puts stress on certain bonds of the substrate
§         This lowers the Ea necessary to break the bond
-          Enzyme name represents substrate (ex. Protease breaks down proteins)

Compare competitive and non-competitive inhibition

Competitive Inhibitors- Similar in shape to substrate. Binds to active site to prevent substrate)
  • Vmax stays the same, but Km↑ (showing that substrate cannot bind as well in the presence of this inhibitor)
  • When Concentration of substrate ↑, the effect of inhibitors ↓
Noncompetitive Inhibitors- Bind to enzyme at location different from active site.
·         Vmax ↓ but Km stays the same
·         When Concentration of substrate ↑, the effect of inhibitors does not change

State and explain the effects of heavy-metal ions, temperature changes, and pH changes on enzyme activity

Heavy metals- Act as non-competitive inhibitors by reacting with sulfhydral groups, turning –SH à -SMetal, which interferes with the tertiary structure. Also interferes with the side chains. (This is why lead and mercury poisoning are so dangerous)
Temperature- Increasing the temperature will ↑ the rate of enzyme catalyzed reactions as more reactants reach activation energy. Temperatures too high à breaking of H-bonds, altering the structure of the protein and denaturing it.
pH- Change in pH interferes with acidic and basic molecules on the side chain, altering the tertiary structure. Each enzyme has an optimal pH, at which rate is maximum

VIII. Nucleic Acids

Describe the structure of the nucleotides and their condensation polymers (nucleic acids or polynucleotides)

Structure of nucleotides: sugar, phosphate, nitrogenous base
            Phospate- Negatively-charged molecule (either phosphate ion or phosphoric acid).
            Sugar- 5-carbon sugar (ribose in RNA, deoxyribose in DNA)
Base- Heterocyclic shape with either one ring (pyrimidines- cytosine, thymine, and uracil) or two (purines- adenine and guanine)
Nucleotides compose nucleic acids through covalent phosphodiester bonds between the 5’carbon bound Phosphate and the 3’ carbon
Base sequence- code for traits

Distinguish between the structures of DNA and RNA

Chemical differences between RNA and DNA
-          Sugars- RNA uses ribose. DNA uses deoxyribose
-          Bases- RNA uses uracil, DNA uses thymine
-          Strands- RNA is single, DNA is double

Explain the double helical structure of DNA

Nucleotide bonding- Bases H-bond to one another, forming the double strand and stabilizing the large molecule
Note: Other forces will have a smaller role in stabilizing (Dip-dip, hydrophobic, VDW)
Complementary base pairing- Electronegative atoms on each base will only correspond to one other base. For example, adenine will bind to thymine and cytosine to guanine.
Benefits of the structure- Weak H-bonds separate easily, which allows the sequence to be copied. Strong enough to hold DNA together
Helix- Result of repelling negative phosphate groups
Strands of DNA- One codes for necessary information (sense strand). One is inactive complement (antisense strand).

Describe the role of DNA as the repository for genetic information, and explain its role in protein synthesis

Role of DNA as a repository of information- Base sequence is transcribed à mRNA. mRNA polymerase binds to promoter region, adds ribonucleotides to strand, and lets go once a terminator is reached (He’ll be back…). mRNA is translated à protein as each 3-base sequence codes for specific amino acid, which is added to the chain.

Outline the steps involved in DNA profiling and state its use.
·         DNA extracted from blood cells and cut into fragments by restriction enzymes
·         PCR replicates copies of the fragments thousands of times
·         Segments of DNA separated into bands by electrophoresis
o       Negatively charged phosphate groups attracted to positive pole
o       Larger molecules move more slowly through the sieve, while smaller molecules move farther
·         Banding patterns transferred onto a nylon membrane
·         Radioactive DNA probe finds specific sequence
·         Film placed next to x ray to display fingerprint
·         Banding patterns are unique to an individual, as they are passed down by parents

PURPOSE- Paternity suits and forensic investigations

IX. Respiration

Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration of glucose in terms of oxidation/reduction and energy released

Respiration- Breakdown of controlled breakdown of energy-rich molecules into usable form
Respiration (for chemists)

What is reduced? Glucose à Pyruvic acid à Pyruvate à Lactate or Ethanol (Anaerobic only), NADH à NAD+
What is oxidized? NAD+ à NADH, O2 à CO2 + H2O
Energy differences b/w Aerobic + Anaerobic- Aerobic releases 40% of stored energy. Anaerobic releases 2% of stored energy.

Outline the role of copper ions in electron transport and iron ions in oxygen transport

Role of Iron in biological molecules
Hemoglobin composed of 4 polypeptides, each with its own HEME group (complex ion) containing Fe2+.  Hydrophobic environment allows oxygen to bind to Fe2+ without oxidizing it, in a process called oxygenation. 4 HEME groups means each Hemoglobin can bind to 4 O2.
Danger of Carbon-monoxide- CO binds more tightly to Fe2+, which causes a lack of oxygen and asphyxiation if CO is not displaced.

Role of Copper in biological molecules
Cytochromes are proteins containing iron and copper that are reduced by electrons (in the electron chain) and re-oxidized as they pass along the electron transport chain (HEME groups are the receptors of the electrons). In the last cytochrome (cytochrome oxidase), copper receives the electron and binds them to O­2, forming water.
Danger of Cyanide- CN- binds to the cytochrome oxidase and backs up the electron transport chain, slowing respiration